Corporate Website: What Is It And Why Is It Needed

Corporate Website: What Is It And Why Is It Needed

Every modern company strives to broadcast its activities not only offline, but also on the Internet. And this is not surprising, since almost all spheres of human life today are connected to the Internet. Companies sell their goods and services online, and their customers have long preferred virtual purchases.

If you are the owner of a large corporation or a small firm, you have probably already taken care of developing a corporate website for your organization. And if your company is just starting its activities and you are thinking about launching such a website, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the concept of a corporate web resource, its specifics and goals.

Let’s start with the definition. A corporate website is not only a company’s business card on the Internet, but also a unique platform for launching and developing a business. Such a website will help solve many problems both within the organization and outside it in the field of communication with clients and cooperation with partners.

A site of this type contains the necessary amount of information about the organization, its scope of activity, goods, services and trade offer. In addition, this web resource can accommodate many useful functions and services such as feedback, forum, surveys, mailings.

The goals of launching a corporate resource can be absolutely different. They will depend on the needs of the company and its target audience. With its help, you can solve both the main and a number of additional tasks of the enterprise. Such a site will become an online platform for your business, which will work 24/7.

Why do you need a corporate website?

A company’s website is an effective sales channel, a place for internal and external communication, and an opportunity to increase brand popularity. It is also important that such a site can help create a positive image for the company. Audience trust in a company increases when it has a resource where anyone can get comprehensive information about the organization, view its products and get acquainted with its services, and find contacts for feedback.

A well-designed corporate website can be an excellent investment in business. It is recommended to place not only information about the company on it, but also a catalog of its products, reviews, promotions and other useful information.

The main goals of a corporate website are to attract the target audience and increase brand awareness. It can be used to tell retail customers or wholesale partners about the company and its products, and increase customer loyalty.

By launching its own website on the Internet, a company can achieve several important goals at once:

  • publishing and regularly updating information about its activities;
  • posting information about goods and services;
  • posting documents for clients and partners;
  • posting all the company’s contact information that users need for feedback.

These and other functions can be found on a well-designed corporate website that will help the company solve important business problems.

Tasks of corporate websites

A modern corporate website can have many tasks. Depending on the type of organization and the needs of its clients, a list of tasks is identified that the company’s website will primarily help to solve.

The most common types of tasks are:

Creating a positive image of the company

Any modern company that wants to develop effectively must have its own website. It will convey its values ​​and create a positive image of a reliable organization.

With the correct selection of all elements of the company’s corporate style and competent development of the resource structure, it is possible to create the right image of the company in the eyes of its clients and partners. Users will see on the site not only information about the organization, but also its corporate elements. Thus, the company’s corporate style will be promoted through another channel, creating a holistic image for the company that will be easily recognized.

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Attracting new partners and clients

In addition to the corporate identity, the company’s website should contain a unique selling proposition and the benefits of cooperation with it. This information is of the greatest value to potential clients and partners. Additional methods of attracting the target audience will be the placement of information on the terms of cooperation, feedback forms and contacts for quick communication with the organization.

Sale of products and/or services

With a competent approach to developing a corporate website, one of its main functions will be the sale of goods and services.

The company’s resource is an excellent platform for demonstrating and selling its products. To do this, you can place trade offers, promotions or bonus programs on the site. This approach will always keep customers informed about current offers and discounts. The ability to order goods or services will allow the company to significantly increase profits with the help of a corporate site.

Attracting new employees

Owners of companies that have their own corporate websites can post current vacancies on them. This way, you can not only save the company’s budget by reducing the costs of recruiting agencies, but also find employees from the target audience of the site faster. It is important to post information about the company and the specifics of the work for applicants.

Providing the target audience with information about the company

The main task of a corporate website is to convey to the target audience the basic information about the organization and its activities. For this purpose, special sections are created on the website, in which information about the organization that interests users is placed in separate categories.

It is recommended to create the following sections:

  • company news;
  • history of creation;
  • team of specialists, management staff;
  • goods and services with detailed descriptions;
  • useful information for the company’s partners;
  • Answers to popular customer questions.

The main task of business owners is to provide all the data that their customers and partners may need. It is important to be able to answer all the questions of the user who visits the site.

What is included in the terms of reference for creating a website

To make a corporate website in accordance with all the requirements and wishes of the customer, it is necessary to draw up a technical assignment. It consists of several main points:

Defining the target audience

It is important that at the first stage of development, specialists analyze the company’s target audience. To create and further promote a corporate website, it is necessary to understand who its visitors will be: clients and partners of the company. The task of specialists is to find out what information will be of interest to visitors to the site, in what form it is best placed.

Competitor Analysis

Studying the competitive niche helps to find both the weaknesses and strengths of projects similar to yours. By analyzing the competitors’ business, you can determine what the target audience wants to see on the site and how to correctly convey this information. Find solutions that will help avoid the mistakes that competitors have encountered.

Selecting the type of corporate website

When ordering the development of a corporate website, decide in advance on its main tasks and type. The type of this web resource will depend on its goals. For example, classic corporate websites are suitable for creating a favorable image of the company, and landing pages are suitable for promoting products and leading users to purchase.

It is better to sell the company’s goods and services in large quantities using an online store, which will be fully adapted to the sale of products and services.


It is necessary to calculate the budget for launching the project and its subsequent promotion at the preliminary stage. If the idea is too expensive, it is better to immediately choose another option for promotion on the Internet. For example, refuse to create a large portal in favor of a small business card site or landing page for some individual goods and services.

Creating a structure

This stage involves defining menu sections, pages and categories. It is important to correctly distribute information across sections and create a structure that is convenient and understandable for users. Website visitors will want to quickly find information about the company, its activities, services and contact information. Therefore, it is important to place this information in the most accessible sections, the path to which will take the user only a few seconds.

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Collection of semantic core and clustering

Promotion and optimization are important for websites of any subject. For competent SEO promotion, it is necessary to correctly select key queries relevant to the site pages. It is by them that each page of the site will be promoted in the future.

Types of corporate websites

Like many other web resources, corporate websites are divided into several types. The type of corporate web resource will depend on the goals that the company sets for itself.

Depending on the objectives of the organization, the following types are distinguished:

Business card

A business card site is suitable for companies that have recently started their activities, but are already ready to share their trade offer with the audience. Such a resource will help to study the needs of customers and tell them about the company.

A business card website can have several pages, but most often it is just a one-page site that contains key information about the company:

  • areas of activity,
  • list of services,
  • goods,
  • prices,
  • feedback form,
  • contact details.

The advantage of such a corporate site is its affordable cost and the ability to improve the resource in parallel with the development of the organization. As it develops, you can add new sections, pages to the site, and expand its functionality.

Information portal

A larger and more functional resource. It is created not for sales, but for posting useful information. Usually, on such web resources, visitors are united by interests.

Sites of this type host:

  • education,
  • news,
  • useful information.

Presentation site

The main purpose of creating a corporate website of this type is to present the company’s products or services. With its help, you can tell customers about a new product. Therefore, such websites have a bright, eye-catching design, animated graphics.

This type of corporate website is very popular, as almost all modern companies strive to present their products and services on the Internet.

Catalog site

It is created for a more detailed presentation of products. Products on such a site have the most complete descriptions and photos. The buyer can examine them from all sides.

Organizations with a small range of products resort to developing such sites.


The main difference between these resources and many others is that goods are placed on them not just for review, but for purchase. The development of such a turnkey corporate website will significantly increase sales volumes and bring significant profits to the organization.

The cost of such a resource can be significantly higher than the price of other types of websites. It is developed jointly with IT specialists, sales departments and delivery services. Buyers should always receive their orders on time. For this purpose, the site may provide integration with other payment or delivery systems.


Internet commerce is a very popular topic today. Large companies offer their services and services on the Internet. These are virtual dating sites, various paid services, and consulting services.

There are many types of corporate websites, and the best option can only be selected taking into account the specifics of the company and the needs of its target audience.

What should an effective corporate website be like?

The effectiveness of a corporate website can be assessed by its traffic and indicators. The more visitors visit the site daily and the more targeted actions they perform, the higher its effectiveness.

In order for a website to meet the needs of its audience, it must be created taking into account the following parameters:

Design and decoration

It is recommended to create a corporate website design in rich, but not “flashy” shades. The design should attract the user, but not take up all of his attention.

With the help of a well-designed design, you can focus the visitor’s attention on the necessary information. High-quality modern design plays a major role in promoting a web resource. It helps attract new customers, encourages visitors to perform targeted actions on the site, conveys the corporate style of the organization, and increases brand recognition.

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The convenience of a corporate portal is important not only for the company’s employees, but also for all its other visitors. For clients and partners, it is necessary to create a web resource where they can easily and quickly find the necessary information.


A company’s website should have a clear and understandable structure that will allow visitors to find the necessary sections on the site within a few seconds.

A competent structure of a web resource determines the degree of convenience of its use for visitors, minimizing the number of refusals. Correct development of the structure also contributes to its effective promotion.

If you don’t want your customers to go to your competitors, develop a simple and clear structure on your company’s website.


For corporate clients, the functions of the company’s website play a very important role. The more extensive and useful the functionality, the higher the loyalty of the target audience. It is important to determine the functionality of the website at the initial stage of development.

Most often, websites of small companies and large enterprises have the following functionality:

  • placement and storage of data about the organization, its goods or services;
  • feedback from clients and partners;
  • the ability to purchase goods and pay for them online;
  • mailing of promotions and discounts from the company;
  • consultations with managers;
  • online calculation of the cost of the company’s products.

Responsive design

The success of a modern website is determined by its ergonomics and adaptability. These characteristics are interconnected, since the convenience of working with the site depends on the adaptability of the site to different browsers and screen resolutions.

The developer’s task is not just to create a corporate website for the customer’s clients and partners, but to make it as accessible and convenient to use as possible.

A well-designed adaptive design will help you achieve the following goals:

  • will attract an audience from mobile devices;
  • will create an image of a modern company for the organization;
  • will increase traffic and conversion on the site;
  • will help to achieve effective results from SEO promotion.

Filling the site

Creating a corporate website for employees involves filling it with information necessary to simplify the work and interaction process between employees of one company. The website may contain internal documentation of the organization, information about goods and services, an up-to-date list of employees, and the structure of the organization, if we are talking about a large corporation.

If a website is created for a company’s clients, it should contain information about the company itself, its employees, services or products. It is important that the company’s website contains all the relevant data that may be required by its clients or partners. 

SEO optimization

The success of the site will be determined by its traffic and conversion. Professional SEO optimization of the resource will help to achieve high indicators for these parameters.

The website’s indicators must meet all the requirements of search engines so that the resource always occupies high positions in search results.

Loading speed

The loading speed of a website should be high. If the pages load slowly, visitors will leave the site for competitors. You can speed up the loading of pages using special techniques that developers use. As a rule, this is loading images on separate pages, short codes or compression.


If the site is being developed for a large company or corporation whose clients work and live in other countries, several versions of the site in different languages ​​will be required. You can create one additional version in English.

Layout and programming

Layout designers and programmers take part in the process of developing a corporate website. These specialists translate graphic files into HTML pages and program all the main elements of the website pages.

Hosting and server capacity

In order for a corporate website to work effectively on any CMS, it is necessary to choose a hosting that will ensure a quick launch and uninterrupted operation of the web resource.

Why does a modern business need its own website?

The corporate resource will help both a start-up and an existing business to solve many important tasks:

  • increase brand awareness;
  • increase the loyalty of the target audience;
  • to form the correct image;
  • find new clients and partners;
  • expand sales markets.


A corporate website is an excellent platform for starting and developing a business. This resource will serve as a company’s online representative, expanding its geography of sales and customer base. By partnering with a professional web design company and employing a strategic, well-executed approach, the website can significantly boost profits and elevate the company’s operations to a new level in the digital space.

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